Meeting Code of Conduct

Created March 25th, 2009
In an effort to ensure the standards of civility during community meetings, the Timbercrest Board as enacted community code of conduct:

  1. Only one person is recognized to speak at a time by the board.
  2. A time limit will be established for each speaker on each issue. Otherwise, boards end up spending too much time on relatively minor issues and not enough time on mores significant ones. If a majority of the board members think a topic requires more time, they can always vote to extend the discussion.
  3. There will be no interruptions of the person speaking:
    * If an attendee of the meeting interrupts a speaker, they will be giving a warning
    * An attendee will be given two verbal warnings and will be asked to leave on the third incident
  4. The ejected participant will be given an opportunity to be reinstated via the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) Board:
    * The board will assemble and review the participant’s infraction. The ADR can choose to ban the participant or reinstate them
  5. If a member of the community is ejected from two meetings, they will be permanently banned from further community meetings.